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Where to buy 1205

Below you will find a curated list of official 1205 retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.

1205 Menswear

1205 Womenswear

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About 1205

Paula Gerbase is the designer behind 1205.

1205’s first collection, titled ‘One’, was launched for Spring | Summer 2010. The capsule collection of menswear, womenswear and unisex pieces features Gerbase’s trademark sensitive use of luxury fabrics and erudite pattern construction for a modern-contemporary muse.

A Central Saint Martins BA Womenswear alumna, Gerbase worked for designers Alistair Carr and Gareth Pugh before beginning her training in couture tailoring at the atelier of Hardy Amies, Savile Row in 2004. Following this, Gerbase went on to work with Carlo Brandelli, then Creative Director at Kilgour, leading to their 5-year collaboration - her graduate collection was finished whilst she held the title of Head Designer at Kilgour.

Gerbase’s graduate collection used traditional Brazilian Crivo lace and was featured in Wallpaper* magazine’s Design Directory in 2006, her work was subsequently displayed in the Armani Theater in Milan as part of Wallpaper’s emerging talent exhibition that same year.

As a consequence of her menswear and couture training, quality of cut and fabric are paramount in Gerbase’s design. Her work process begins with fabric, looking at everything in a microscopic way, resulting in a unique, modern, almost clinical point of view.

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