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Where to buy 40WEFT

Below you will find a curated list of official 40WEFT retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.

40WEFT Womenswear

Active 40WEFT Discount Codes

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Recently Ended 40WEFT Offers

20% off at Forzieri
Expired: November 24, 2023

About 40WEFT

A new idea to wear fashion! A jump between informal casual wear and urban elegance, between vintage and trendy. A new concept of man, woman and child that combines an accurate manufacture and a confident easy look. A thought which attempts an innovative design and treatment in a spirit of no compromise for the quality of materials and details. A new aggressive and innovative brand focused on updated customers bored of usual offers.

The brand is produced and distributed by Black Sheep Spa, a firm belonging to a group who is performing on the fashion market since 1957. 40WEFT comes as the completion of a growing process of years which has consolidated the importance of our company and its technical expertise on the international level.

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