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Alejandro Ingelmo
Brand Website

Where to buy Alejandro Ingelmo

Below you will find a curated list of official Alejandro Ingelmo retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.

Alejandro Ingelmo Menswear

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Alejandro Ingelmo Womenswear

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Active Alejandro Ingelmo Discount Codes

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About Alejandro Ingelmo

Accessory Designer, Alejandro Ingelmo, debuted his first women's shoe collection in Fall/Winter 2006. Working out of his Soho-based studio in Manhattan, Ingelmo mingles the Cuban influences of his heritage with a directional New York edge.

After finding initial success with his women's line, Ingelmo set forth on the addition of a men's shoe collection to launch in Spring/Summer 2007 and the demand was immediate. "AI's" quickly developed a cult following among editors and celebrities who were captivated by his classic silhouettes in exotic materials.

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