Where to buy Alexander Mcqueen Puma
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About Alexander Mcqueen Puma
Alexander McQueen was born in London on March 17th 1969 as the youngest of six children. He left school at the age of 16 and was immediately offered an apprenticeship at the traditional Saville Row tailors Anderson and Shephard and then at neighboring Gieves and Hawkes, both masters in the technical construction of clothing.
Since leaving St. Martins and in less than 10 years McQueen has become one of the most famous and respected international fashion designers in the world. He was named British Designer of the Year four times in 1996, 1997, 2001 and 2003. In October 1996 he was appointed Chief Designer at the French Haute Couture House Givenchy where he worked until March 2001.
Alexander McQueen’s collections are known for both the emotional power and raw energy of his shows, as well as the romantic but determinedly contemporary nature of his clothes. It is typical of McQueen to use the juxtaposition between contrasting elements; fragility and strength, tradition and modernity, and fluidity and severity. An openly emotional and even passionate viewpoint is realized with a profound respect and influence for the arts and crafts tradition. Alexander McQueen’s collections combine an in-depth working knowledge of bespoke British tailoring, the fine workmanship of the French Haute Couture atelier and the impeccable finish of Italian manufacturing.