Where to buy Atalanta Weller
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Atalanta Weller Menswear
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About Atalanta Weller
Atalanta Weller's inspirational take on footwear continues with her second solo collection of statement shoes, AW2010.
Atalanta's unique vision blurs the lines: simultaneously bold and refined, futuristic but classic, both natural and synthetic. Inspired by the CGI superheroes of cult anime series Appleseed, and the concrete illusions of modernist architect Pierre Luigi Nervi. Autumn Winter 2010 sets out to challenge pre-conceptions of shape, texture and femininity - opening eyes to new possibilities.
Atalanta works in East London, out of studio in a creative multi-disciplinary arts complex. This creative cross-pollination is often the creative spark behind Atalanta's extraordinary one-off sculptural pieces. Creations that merge the boundaries between art and fashion and push back the technical of shoe design. This strong artistic and technical impulse is a huge influence on Atalanta's eponymous shoe collection, driving the creation of her exceptional, beautiful and luxurious shoes.