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Bailey 44
Since: 2006 Location: Los Angeles, United States Founder: Ruthy and Shelli
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Where to buy Bailey 44

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Bailey 44 Menswear

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About Bailey 44

It began in 2006, when two female fashion industry veterans, one who ran her own business and handled sales and the other who was a designer, decided to cre- ate a line that was sexy, interesting, ageless and wear- able -- all the looks that they wanted for themselves, but couldn’t find in stores. The goal was to have a line that was cool and understated, sexy but not overt, modern, relevant, well made, and most importantly, that really fit. The result was Bailey44.

Headquartered in Los Angeles, California, this contem- porary, women-owned label is one of the few that is American made. It allows the designer, who personally tries on every style of each collection, to be involved in all phases of production. This in an important distinction, one that has made all the difference between cookie- cutter clothing and inventive looks that have integrity and are made in the USA.

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