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Barbara Gongini
Since: 2005 Location: Copenhagen, Denmark Founder: Barbara Gongini
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Where to buy Barbara Gongini

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Barbara Gongini Menswear

Barbara Gongini Womenswear

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About Barbara Gongini

Barbara I Gongini is a Nordic brand based in Denmark.

The aim of the company is to create Nordic clothing based on a conceptual approach to the process, where experiments with forms provide the setting for the visual motive in the design. Barbara I Gongini creates clothing, which is at the leading edge of the trade. Barbara I Gongini furthermore participates very actively in the artistic debate in the Nordic countries.

Barbara I Gongini comprises two lines of womenswear: Barbara I Gongini and The Black Line. The collection represents these two extreme points, but must be seen as a coherent whole.

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