Where to buy Beatrix Ong
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About Beatrix Ong
After graduating from high school in Hong Kong and England, Beatrix studied at Central St. Martins College of Art & Design and the London College of Communication in London. Followed by a course at the Fashion Institute of Technology before returning to London to attend the renowned Cordwainers College in London.
Following an internship at the Fashion Department of Harper’s Bazaar in New York, Ong secured a highly coveted design position at Jimmy Choo.
Wanting to push the boundaries of beautiful shoemaking was always at the heart of Ong’s decision to go solo. Another reason was to take up the challenge of making shoes comfortable enough to wear during the day and special enough for them to carry on wearing in the evening.
In September 2002, Beatrix Ong realised her dreams and launched her debut collection at the Metropolitan Hotel during London Fashion Week. This collection immediately caught the attention of international press and buyers alike, leading to over 30 prestigious stockists worldwide in its first season.