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Benny Gold
Since: 2007 Location: San Francisco, United States Founder: Benny Gold
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Benny Gold Menswear

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About Benny Gold

The Benny Gold brand started when I was tired of working for other people.

My early career is fairly typical of most graphic designers: Start with the small design firms, then graduate to bigger agencies, move onward and upwards…and finally one day, I found myself working an in-house job at a large corporation and not getting any creative satisfaction out of it. After years of plodding along the corporate timeline, I realized that I was losing sight of the ideas and creative freedom I had once–and still–cherish. I had spent the majority of my 20s working nonstop–and I didn’t want to spend another twenty doing the same thing.

Everything started with just a simple sticker that I posted around town on a day off. The idea for the sticker was inspired by the old mantra, “Stay Gold.” To me, it’s a reminder that all the ideas and experiences that we hold dear are the real gold inside each of us. This is what shapes us, what preserves our sense of self, and what keeps us young. When it came time for me to establish my own brand, I hadn’t wavered from that concept, which is how the Benny Gold brand came to be.

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