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Benoit Missolin
Brand Website

Where to buy Benoit Missolin

Below you will find a curated list of official Benoit Missolin retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.

Benoit Missolin Menswear

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Benoit Missolin Womenswear

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About Benoit Missolin

Vivid coulours, unconventional prints and wondefull embroidery, Benoït Missolin embodies the concept of pop fashion, Benoît always have fun with clichés.

Borni in Avignon in 1973, Benoît spent his childhood in Provence where as a child he creates outfits for his Snoopy, scribbled designs in the margins of his schoolbook and became consumed by the world of design.

Benoît Missolin creates the most exquisite, unique and vivicious pieces of milinery / headwear you can find on luxury multibrands shelves, his brand is stocked by the most prestigious stores around the world, from Le Bon MArché in Paris to Liberty in London, tsum in Moscow, Via Bus Stop in Tokyo or Corso Como in Shangai and Milan.

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