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Bruno Pieters

Where to buy Bruno Pieters

Below you will find a curated list of official Bruno Pieters retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.

Bruno Pieters Menswear

There are currently menswear stockists of Bruno Pieters listed.

Bruno Pieters Womenswear

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About Bruno Pieters

belgian-born bruno pieters graduated in 1999 from the royal academy of fine arts in antwerp.

he went on to work for different labels such as martin margiela (paris), josephus thimister (paris), antonio pernas (madrid), christian lacroix (paris)

bruno pieters launched his first ready-to-wear collection in march of 2002, displaying his ever-present penchant for technique and craftsmanship. bruno is first and foremost a technician, a constructionist,who likes to experiment with shape and proportion.

In June 2007 Bruno was appointed the art director of the avant garde line Hugo from Hugo Boss. Currently Pieters is also the new creative director of the men's line from Delvaux, Europe's oldest leather goods company.

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