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Camilla Norrback
Brand Website

Where to buy Camilla Norrback

Below you will find a curated list of official Camilla Norrback retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.

Camilla Norrback Menswear

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Camilla Norrback Womenswear

There are currently womenswear stockists of Camilla Norrback listed.

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About Camilla Norrback

The Swedish fashion brand camilla norrback was founded in 1999 by Finland-Swede designer Camilla Norrback.

The company’s mission is to create strong collections that attract both those devoted to style and fashion, as well as the environmentally conscious and modern consumers.

camilla norrback has over the last years developed into a well-known brand in Sweden and internationally, that appeals to a broad range of women from all segments of lifestyles and ages. In 2010 a men’s line – norrback – was launched with the same core values and attributes as camilla norrback.

Inspiration for the collections comes from film, art, music and social currents. camilla norrback is an accessible brand that unites retro-romantic style and modern shape with materials and techniques of the future to create a versatile, long-lasting garment. The signature marks are luxurious and organic materials with high quality and sensual design with nostalgic elements.

Camilla was born 1974 in Jakobstad, Finland where she also grew up. Her interest in fashion emerged early. At the age of 13 she got her first sewing machine and since then she knew that she wanted to spend her life working with fashion. Camilla is a self-taught fashion designer with a past in pattern construction studies and is also formally educated as a millenary.

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