Where to buy Chinese Laundry
Below you will find a curated list of official Chinese Laundry retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Chinese Laundry Menswear
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About Chinese Laundry
Cels Enterprises, Inc., founded in 1971 by Robert and Carol Goldman, is a privately held woman's footwear company with headquarters in Los Angeles, California. From its beginnings as a shoe manufacturer selling to mass merchants, Cels Enterprises, Inc. has steadily expanded its influence in the fashion footwear industry.
CHINESE LAUNDRY was launched in 1981. With groundbreaking styles season after season, Chinese Laundry lives at the forefront of fashion footwear for young women. Chinese Laundry is the perfect expression of its signature combination of outstanding quality and value with a unique and inspired point of view. From stylish daytime looks in innovative fabrics and leathers to evening collections in eye-catching metallics and satins, Chinese Laundry consistently provides a mix of styles and trends that are ideal for today’s fashion landscape.