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Christian Peau
Brand Website

Where to buy Christian Peau

Below you will find a curated list of official Christian Peau retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.

Christian Peau Menswear

There are currently menswear stockists of Christian Peau listed.

Christian Peau Womenswear

There are currently womenswear stockists of Christian Peau listed.

Active Christian Peau Discount Codes

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About Christian Peau

Christian Peau is a Japanese fashion house whose design is understood to bridge the gap between modern avant-garde and classical artisan-based fashion. Unlike many cutting edge Japanese designers that have emerged from the last 10 years, Peau's is much more European in nature. His influences lie in the traditional artisans from the early 1800s who were understood to be masters in their trade. Drawn from traditional shoemaking and leather master craftsmen, Christian Peau has reinvented the avant-garde in a modern and beautiful manner.

The emphasis is on handmade leather garments- each shoe is made by hand in Japan with an assortment of hand-stained, painted and washed leathers that are compounded and nailed together for a truly unique outcome.

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