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Cinzia Rocca
Since: 1980's Location: Italy Founder: Giacomo Rocca
Brand Website

Where to buy Cinzia Rocca

Below you will find a curated list of official Cinzia Rocca retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.

Cinzia Rocca Menswear

There are currently menswear stockists of Cinzia Rocca listed.

Cinzia Rocca Womenswear

Active Cinzia Rocca Discount Codes

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Recently Ended Cinzia Rocca Offers

Up to $250 off at Saks Fifth Avenue
Expired: October 12, 2023

About Cinzia Rocca

The CINZIA ROCCA collection was created with achieving the “total look” in mind, including various silhouettes such as coats, jackets, skirts, suits and dresses, all displaying modern femininity. The core of the collection is defined as “luxury outerwear”, where each piece is created with the highest quality fabrics. Much of the outerwear is made of pure cashmere, baby alpaca, camel hair and the finest wools and precious fiber materials. In that same way, the creative process is strong and well interpreted. The uniqueness and originality of each design is shown throughout each collection. The resource for fabrics begins with the top producing fabric mills in Italy, exclusively developing for CINZIA ROCCA. It becomes apparent from these few important details, that each CINZIA ROCCA piece lends itself to a style that is clean, classic and modern at the same time.

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