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Fabrizio Del Carlo
Brand Website

Where to buy Fabrizio Del Carlo

Below you will find a curated list of official Fabrizio Del Carlo retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.

Fabrizio Del Carlo Menswear

Fabrizio Del Carlo Womenswear

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About Fabrizio Del Carlo

Fabrizio Del Carlo was born in a Lucchese family, who already produced knitwear, and in 1986 he began his professional career. Fabrizio together with his sister Piera, who is responsible for the production side of their factory called “PIERA E FABRIZIO DEL CARLO SRL”, made his own way along his path of designer and he became immediately known as one of the most representative characters among the Italian new generation of designers. He revised the criteria of modern knitwear with his extremely personal style and therefore he often anticipated trends.

Fabrizio Del Carlo’s knitwear reaches the concept of modern style by searching different materials and new processing in order to create an alternative image.

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