Where to buy French Connection
Below you will find a curated list of official French Connection retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
French Connection Menswear
French Connection Womenswear
Active French Connection Discount Codes
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Recently Ended French Connection Offers
£1 Next Day Delivery at Footasylum
Expired: March 12, 2024Up to 25% off at ASOS
Expired: February 22, 202425% off at ASOS
Expired: March 7, 202410% off at ASOS
Expired: November 29, 2024About French Connection
Founded in 1972 by Stephen Marks, French Connection set out to create well-designed fashionable clothing that appealed to a broad market.
French Connection now offers a fashion-forward clothing range with a quirky spin on design, priding itself on quality and affordable prices.
Having established a strong core clothing business, through unique design and a true sense of style the company has, over recent years expanded its portfolio into exciting new areas including men’s and women’s toiletries, sunglasses and opticals, watches and shoes. Driven by innovation and change, the brands strength lies in balancing new and exciting ideas with the basic promise of quality and affordability, established when the company was founded. Throughout this expansion and diversification the principles have remained the same; design-led products presented in a unique and innovative way.