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Gina Stewart Cox
Location: Gloucestershire, United Kingdom Founder: Gina Stewart Cox
Brand Website

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About Gina Stewart Cox

Gina Stewart Cox was established­­­ in the rural Cotswolds, Gloucestershire England. Quirky innovative design using solely precious metal and gemstones, combined with colourful durable cord is the personality that Gina Stewart Cox has become known for. Great success in the UK instantaneously arose after releasing the first collection. From this success Gina Stewart Cox has continued to dramatically grow, always finding inspirational concepts to shape novel designs, incorporating the best of global influences, but also adding a gentle English twist. Gina Stewart Cox is now based in London and has become known worldwide in and across beautiful destinations, for her innovative take on the luxury jewellery market season after season. Gina Stewart Cox is proud to be collaborating with the Elephant Conservation Network in western Thailand to help resolve the human – elephant conflict.

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