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Since: 1951 Location: United Kingdom Founder: Freda Morris, Harold Morris
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Recently Ended Gloverall Offers

15% off at Zalando
Expired: January 9, 2024
15% off at Zalando
Expired: March 11, 2024
15% off at Zalando
Expired: November 12, 2023
20% off at Zalando
Expired: November 28, 2023

About Gloverall

Recognised worldwide as the foremost Original Duffle Coat Gloverall has gained Iconic status as a design classic. Playing a part in fashion and culture through the last 60 years Gloverall draws on it's Military and Industrial Heritage to be one of the most respected and loved Britsh Brands.

A balance of tradition and modernity reflects through our coats with manufacturing in England and our newly introduced collection Made in London Englan

In the 50's Gloverall created what is know as todays Duffle Coat, with a check back double faced fabric, horn toggles and leather fastenings. Many companies try to emulate and copy but there is only one and that is the Original Gloverall Duffle Coat.

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