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Gsus Sindustries
Since: 1993 Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Brand Website

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Recently Ended Gsus Sindustries Offers

15% off at Zalando
Expired: January 9, 2024
15% off at Zalando
Expired: March 11, 2024
15% off at Zalando
Expired: December 17, 2023
20% off at Zalando
Expired: November 28, 2023

About Gsus Sindustries

It all started out in a skate shop in Arnhem, The Netherlands, back in 1993.

The streetwear scene was still in its early years but was in need of bit of fresh thinking. They started out with a couple of tight fit tees to which they applied some (at the time) very funky prints (you could actually use the word funky back then). They then moved on to make a pair of pinstripe cargo pants and as the cherry on the pie they made the (in)famous fur bikini.

Before long, the shop had become their very own laboratory and the brand gsus was born. They sold the first couple of collections out of a car trunk and then moved into their first real office building (old warehouse) in Amsterdam.

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