Where to buy Gypsy05
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About Gypsy05
Gypsy 05 was established in the spring of 2005 by a dynamic brother and sister duo, Osi and Dotan Shoham. Born and raised in Israel, the siblings went on to master their crafts worlds apart. While Dotan was in Los Angeles staking his claim in the garment dye industry, Osi was in Israel gaining momentum in the advertising business. Years later, Osi moved to the United States to join her brother on the west coast. She began to work alongside Dotan at his dye house, Pacific Blue Inc, which is notorious in the fashion industry for its unique techniques and fresh use of color.
The designers focus largely on color, using anything from deep, sophisticated shades to fresh, soft hues. Through the garments, Gypsy 05 concentrates on exclusive dye techniques and processes, which give dimension to the weightless fabrics used throughout the line. The airy color choices juxtapose the fresh fabrics illustrating a refreshing vision of things that are beautiful and fit for the season.