Where to buy Hermione de Paula
Below you will find a curated list of official Hermione de Paula retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Hermione de Paula Menswear
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About Hermione de Paula
Unusual hand painted floral prints with a twist are the signature of Hermione de Paula, described as the ‘go to label for not quite what it seems’. Here a flower is not just a flower, allowing the wearer to gradually discover intricate details within the jovial prints over time, exploring a charming floral labyrinth, full of elegant idiosyncrasies. Hermione creates an aesthetic that is both modern but also has its roots in traditional English craftsmanship and heritage. Admired for its femininity, contrasting delicacy and softness with a strong dynamic edge. HdeP is loved by customers of all ages – it appeals to her energy, personality, charisma and personal sense of style.