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Hiromi Tsuyoshi
Brand Website

Where to buy Hiromi Tsuyoshi

Below you will find a curated list of official Hiromi Tsuyoshi retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.

Hiromi Tsuyoshi Menswear

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Hiromi Tsuyoshi Womenswear

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About Hiromi Tsuyoshi

After graduating from The Musashi School of Art in Japan, Hiromi Tsuyoshi began working as a Graphic Designer. She later changed her direction. Inspired by the material, it’s colours and supple character, she started making knitted collections.

For her, it’s important to make clothes that are timeless and easy to wear. She expresses her creativity each season using one particular approach to knitting and a new fabrication technique carried out by collaboration with Japanese craftspeople sensitive to her imagination.

A taste for craftsmanship adds some nostalgic details to the charm of her collection inspired by the moment. Her work and will to create reflect her vision for fashion and where she wants to be.

Hiromi wishes to share the full joy she feels in making comfortable wearing pieces with those who put her clothes on.

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