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Ida Sjöstedt
Since: 2001 Location: Stockholm, Sweden Founder: Ida Sjöstedt
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About Ida Sjöstedt

Ida Sjöstedt was born in Stockholm, Sweden 1976. She moved to London 1996 and in 2000 she graduated with a BA Honours diploma in fashion design from University of Westminster.

In 2001 Ida Sjöstedt moved back to Sweden and in August that year she launched her first collection during Stockholm Fashion Week. She has been showing on schedule in Stockholm since, and is also regularly exhibiting in Paris during the prêt-a-porter weeks.

Tasteful kitsch or tongue-in-cheek elegance are two ways of describing Ida Sjöstedts design philosophy. Her aim is to create beautiful, sexy clothes for women who don’t take dressing up too seriously –and who see fashion as something fun rather than as a must.

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