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Ilse Jacobsen
Since: 1993 Location: Hornbæk, Denmark Founder: Ilse Jacobsen
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Ilse Jacobsen Menswear

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Recently Ended Ilse Jacobsen Offers

15% off at Zalando
Expired: January 9, 2024
15% off at Zalando
Expired: March 11, 2024
15% off at Zalando
Expired: November 12, 2023
20% off at Zalando
Expired: November 28, 2023

About Ilse Jacobsen

Since the company was founded in 1993, the idyllic seaside town of Hornbæk in north-east Denmark, which is famous for the relaxing atmosphere around its small harbour, wide sandy beaches and dunes, has been the backdrop for Danish Designer Ilse Jacobsen's life and creativity. Inspired by the natural and raw beauty of her surroundings, Ilse Jacobsen sets the ideas for the company ILSE JACOBSEN HORNBÆK which encompasses the mother brand ILSE JACOBSEN HORNBÆK, the maritime lifestyle brand, CRUISE by ILSE JACOBSEN, concept stores, flower shops and spa.

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