Where to buy John White Shoes
Below you will find a curated list of official John White Shoes retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
John White Shoes Menswear
John White Shoes Womenswear
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Recently Ended John White Shoes Offers
15% off at Zalando
Expired: January 9, 202415% off at Zalando
Expired: March 11, 202415% off at Zalando
Expired: November 12, 202320% off at Zalando
Expired: November 28, 2023About John White Shoes
In 1919, inside a little shack in Northamptonshire, a man called John White was stitching together a legacy. He was handcrafting the first pair of John White shoes, and the beginnings of a British boot-making empire.
From the very first pair, John White’s shoes were all labelled with KB. This mysterious emblem was only explained toward the end of his life. They stood for Keep Believing, and this had been John’s motto throughout.