Where to buy Lowie
Below you will find a curated list of official Lowie retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Lowie Menswear
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About Lowie
Inspired by the world’s rich mosaic of traditional handicrafts whose origins date back to the Middle Ages, Lowie re-interprets these time-honoured practices in a totally modern way. Hand-knitting, crochet, hand-embroidery and hand-stitching are incorporated into almost every piece in the Lowie collection.
Started in 2002 by designer Bronwyn Lowenthal, Lowie’s philosophy is to produce beautiful clothing people want to wear as ethically as possible without jeopardising design. ‘We aim to pay our hand makers and small manufacturers a decent price, while small production runs ensure each piece is a limited edition’, says Lowenthal.
Using only the finest soft wools, luxurious organic cottons and eco-friendly leathers with minimal chemicals used in the tanning process, Lowie consistently produces a tight collection of sought-after pieces.