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Mara and Mine
Brand Website

Where to buy Mara and Mine

Below you will find a curated list of official Mara and Mine retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.

Mara and Mine Menswear

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Active Mara and Mine Discount Codes

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About Mara and Mine

Mara & Mine is a unique, fashion forward shoe collection created by Jasmine Yarbrough and Tamie Ingham, two young, talented Australian’s based in Los Angeles. with backgrounds on opposite ends of fashion- Jasmine as an international model and Tamie a fashion stylist- they took their love of fashion and design to embark on their newest adventure.

Mara & Mine launched in the US with their Fall/Winter 2013 collection whose ‘Mexican’ inspiration is filled with exclusive embroidered designed slippers and sandals that were an instant success.

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