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Maria Francesca Pepe
Brand Website

Where to buy Maria Francesca Pepe

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Maria Francesca Pepe Menswear

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Maria Francesca Pepe Womenswear

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About Maria Francesca Pepe

MariaFrancescaPepe is a London based Label of avant-garde high-end Fashion Jewellery and Ready to Wear.

Born in Foggia, Italy, on March 5th 1979, Maria Francesca Pepe was destined to a life of design. Having studied Literature and Philosophy at the “Universita’ degli Studi di Milano” between 1998 to 2000, she spent the following four years completing her BA in Fashion Design at the “Marangoni Institute”, Milano, which encompassed womenswear Fashion Design, Illustration, Pattern Cutting and Fashion Business. Honing her fashion skills further Maria undertook several courses in London from Fine Drawing at the Royal College of Art to Styling, Experimental Fashion Design, Digital Fashion Design and Professional Sewing at Central Saint Martins. In 2003 she won the Tannan Fashion Award, Japan. Her links to Italy and in particular Milan have been crucial to her creative aesthetic and identity.

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