Where to buy Marques Almeida
Below you will find a curated list of official Marques Almeida retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Marques Almeida Menswear
Marques Almeida Womenswear
Active Marques Almeida Discount Codes
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Recently Ended Marques Almeida Offers
25% off at Harvey Nichols
Expired: March 12, 202425% off at Coggles
Expired: March 11, 202420% off at Hervia
Expired: March 18, 202425% off at Coggles
Expired: August 12, 2024About Marques Almeida
Trained both in womenswear, Marta Marques and Paulo Almeida subscribe to the Helmut Lang school of thought, where ‘fashion is about attitude, not hemlines’. While their aesthetic evokes raw effortlessness, the pair’s technical sensibilities are revealed in the construction of each piece.Cutting their teeth at Vivienne Westwood and Preen respectively, Marques and Almeida took the natural course of combining talents while on the MA at Central SaintMartins – hitting the mark between impulse and consideration.
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