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Melissa Lo
Brand Website

Where to buy Melissa Lo

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Melissa Lo Menswear

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Melissa Lo Womenswear

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About Melissa Lo

Born in Hong Kong and educated in England, Jewellery Designer/maker Melissa spent her early years travelling to and from Asia. Her love of the exotic and a passion for beautiful things led to travels where she began to collect stones and gems; turquoise and amber from Tibet; garnets in Pakistan; antique agates in China; coral and shells in the Phillipines. Naturally creative, Melissa began to make jewellery combining the elements she had collected with pearls, silver and gold. She was following in the footsteps of her aunt, internationally acclaimed jewellery designer Kai-Yin Lo whose innovative and original style had always been an inspiration.

Melissa Lo Jewellery is made with the finest hand picked semi-precious stones and freshwater pearls. Please note that the stones are natural and there may be slight differences in colour between the photos and the product.

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