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Below you will find a curated list of official Moon Boot retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
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25% off at LN-CC
Expired: January 7, 202510% off at Farfetch
Expired: January 30, 202520% off at Farfetch
Expired: January 21, 202515% off at Luisaviaroma
Expired: January 27, 2025About Moon Boot
It was 20 July 1969, Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin were getting ready to step down from the Apollo 11 spacecraft and into what future generations would consider an epic moment; Man’s first landing on the moon. Millions of people in the whole world rooted for them with every footstep, and the tracks left by those space-age boots vbecame man’s autograph on the lunar surface. Amongst those watching the event was Giancarlo Zanatta, a young businessman from Montebelluna, Italy, the town which would shortly become the world’s leading centre for the manufacture of sports shoes. On a trip to the US, Giancarlo Zanatta visited a show in Pennsylvania Station celebrating Man’s landing on the moon. There were pictures of the three astronauts on display. Giancarlo Zanatta was inspired by the design of those strange boots created to resist the lack of gravity on the moon. He therefore designed a pair of boots which he tagged Moon Boot®. The designers in his company - la Tecnica spa - created the first samples using colourful nylon and polyurethane foam, absolutely innovative materials for winter footwear.
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