Where to buy Porter by Yoshida
Below you will find a curated list of official Porter by Yoshida retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Porter by Yoshida Menswear
Porter by Yoshida Womenswear
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Recently Ended Porter by Yoshida Offers
25% off at Farfetch
Expired: January 29, 202420% off at Incu
Expired: January 21, 202425% off at Sevenstore
Expired: May 17, 202410% off at Hip Store
Expired: July 31, 2024About Porter by Yoshida
In keeping with the founder of the Yoshida Porter's company principal, all bags are strictly Made in Japan. All production, including design, manufacturing, wholesaling, and retailing are strictly done in Japan. In that way we can monitor each aspect of the creation of our bags and ensure the best quality.
All of our bags are handmade by our company's skilled craftmen, we only use the very best fabrics and components, some of which we develop and treat specifically for our brands needs. Some of our lines were under development for 3 years before their lauch, such is our devotion to excellence. At present, we are progressing our products in Japan with the brand "Porter" which has over 130 lines as the main brand of Yoshida. In addition, our bags and brands have attracted a great deal clients from young students, business workers, family, and luxury.