Where to buy Princess Tam Tam
Below you will find a curated list of official Princess Tam Tam retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Princess Tam Tam Menswear
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About Princess Tam Tam
In 1985, the gift boutique run by two sisters on Rue Bréa, in the Saint-Germain des Prés neighbourhood in Paris, has a new bestseller. Brightly coloured printed cotton men’s boxer shorts, which women are making their own... This success points the Hiridjee sisters in the right direction, inspiring them with the concept of creating lingerie that goes against the mainstream trend: bringing women subtle and creative lingerie. Original prints, colourful cotton and an eye for detail, from little bows between the breasts to double straps, and lace or satin trims. Mourad Amarsy joins the two sisters, taking over the brand’s financial affairs. He marries Loumia just a few years later.