Where to buy Salvatore Piccolo
Below you will find a curated list of official Salvatore Piccolo retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Salvatore Piccolo Menswear
Salvatore Piccolo Womenswear
Active Salvatore Piccolo Discount Codes
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Recently Ended Salvatore Piccolo Offers
20% off at Trunk
Expired: February 11, 202420% off at Trunk
Expired: August 4, 202420% off at Forzieri
Expired: November 24, 2023About Salvatore Piccolo
Salvatore Piccolo’s story is interwoven, like the thread of a fabric, with the innermost soul of Naples, with its past, its architecture, its people and its secret alchemy but also with its vitality and its desire to reinvent itself. Way back in 1351, in the church of S. Eligio al Mercato, the Confraternita dei Sartori (Tailors Association) was established and, with it, the famous Neapolitan tailoring academy.