Where to buy Sophia Webster
Below you will find a curated list of official Sophia Webster retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Sophia Webster Menswear
Sophia Webster Womenswear
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Recently Ended Sophia Webster Offers
20% off at Farfetch
Expired: January 21, 202510% off at Coggles
Expired: January 20, 202525% off at MyBag
Expired: January 14, 202425% off at Coggles
Expired: June 28, 2024About Sophia Webster
Sophia Webster debuted her collection for SS2013 after working as design assistant to Nicholas Kirkwood. She is a graduate of the specialised MA footwear course at the Royal College of Art and the BA degree at the renowned Cordwainers College.
Her academic career was highlighted by many awards, including the Cordwainers at London College of Fashion Award of Excellence (2008), the Drapers Student Footwear Designer of the Year Award (2009) and the Browns Shoe Designer Award (2010). Sophia was applauded for developing a commercially viable and unique aesthetic, incorporating feminine designs with a sophisticated and modern approach. Immediately following her graduation from the Royal College of Art, Sophia was appointed the role of assistant designer to Nicholas Kirkwood.
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