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Stone Cold Fox
Brand Website

Where to buy Stone Cold Fox

Below you will find a curated list of official Stone Cold Fox retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.

Stone Cold Fox Menswear

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Stone Cold Fox Womenswear

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About Stone Cold Fox

Two childhood friends collaborate to make Stone_Cold_Fox, a clothing label that takes inspiration from the delicacy of vintage clothing and seeks to make it fresh again.

Cydney Morris, the designer and creative marketing director of SCF, graduated with a major in Fashion Design and a Bachelors in Fine Arts from California College of the Arts, San Francisco. Starting SCF from her 2009 senior collection, she designs, sews, and does the pattern making for each piece. With her trademark taste, she is inspired by vintage lingerie, Jane Birkin, Ossie Clark and showing off the best features of a woman’s figure. With her “old school” technique to designing, Cydney Is the key eye behind Stone_Cold_Fox’s aesthetic.

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