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Bing Bang
Brand Website

Where to buy Bing Bang

Below you will find a curated list of official Bing Bang retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.

Bing Bang Menswear

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Bing Bang Womenswear

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About Bing Bang

Anna Sheffield is a New York-based designer who hails from Northern New Mexico. A distinct aesthetic emerges in her work from the rich urbane surroundings and culture of New York City. While Anna’s penchant for the spare, hewn and intrinsic beauty was imparted by the mores and surrounds of the Southwest- seemingly disparate influences culminate in her unique vantage point.

In recent years Anna has endeavored to bring the term ‘fashion jewelry’ to a new level. She has been a trendsetter on the runway and in everyday with elements such as innumerable, tangly layered chains, contrasting mixed metals and the appropriation of vintage & found objects. These varied styles have caught the eye of celebrities, fellow designers and companies with whom she has collaborated (3.1 Philip Lim, Marc Jacobs, Target Go International). Both style and taste have attracted collectors and esteemed retailers (Barney’s New York, United Arrows Tokyo, Joyce Hong Kong, Le Bon Marche Paris, etc) the world over. A true taste maker (Anna was a featured blogger for NY Times’ The Moment), She contributes to a number of creative projects, her finger on the pulse of not only jewelry and fashion but New York culture at large.

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