Where to buy Blue de Gênes
Below you will find a curated list of official Blue de Gênes retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Blue de Gênes Menswear
Blue de Gênes Womenswear
There are currently womenswear stockists of Blue de Gênes listed.Active Blue de Gênes Discount Codes
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Recently Ended Blue de Gênes Offers
30% off at Cultizm
Expired: November 22, 202325% off at Cultizm
Expired: May 9, 202110% off a Cultizm
Expired: April 20, 202115% off at Cultizm
Expired: June 20, 2021About Blue de Gênes
Blue de Gênes is a denim label taking its inspiration from the origin of jeans: the history of jeans started in Genoa, Italy, more than 400 years ago. At that time, the harbour workers in Genoa used a robust fabric called “Geanes fustian”, made of Arab cotton, for working clothes and sailcloth. The material was dyed blue with indigo, very strong and thus well suited for work pants for these hardworking dockers and sailors.