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Delphine Wilson
Founder: Delphine Wilson
Brand Website

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About Delphine Wilson

After spending some time studying in Madrid, British born designer Delphine Wilson returned to the UK to study Fashion knitwear. Her first collection after graduating from Liverpool John Moores sold to Harvey Nichols. Pursuing this success, she went on to study at U.C.E and sold her MA graduation collection to prestigious design store Browns (London).

The success of Delphine Wilson’s unique brand of knitwear is due to her quirky, unconventional approach to design. She combines a sculptural approach to garment construction with a healthy disrespect for traditionally ‘homespun’ methods - she maintains the craft, but subverts the message.

This results in garments that have been ‘engineered’ by craft, but strongly promote non-conventional construction techniques and unusual surface interest.

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