Where to buy D.GNAK by KANG.D
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D.GNAK by KANG.D Menswear
D.GNAK by KANG.D Womenswear
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About D.GNAK by KANG.D
D.GNAK is the menswear label of Korean designer Kang Dong Jun. Born in Seoul, Kang trained at New York's Parson's School of Design and launched D.GNAK with a debut show at 2008 F/W Seoul Fashion Week. The brand's defining characteristic is tailored clothing with twisted details; clothing that is achromatic in colour and innovative in silhouette.
The name D.GNAK is formed from the mirrored reflection of Kang's name. It expresses his fascination with disruption, eclecticism and experimentation. In that vein, D.GNAK is a label that reveals and conceals at the same time, inviting engagement with the wearer while retaining a level of mystique.