Where to buy DL1961
Below you will find a curated list of official DL1961 retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
DL1961 Menswear
DL1961 Womenswear
Active DL1961 Discount Codes
Discover DL1961 sales and active discount codes for online stores selling DL1961.
Recently Ended DL1961 Offers
20% off at Farfetch
Expired: January 29, 202420% off at Farfetch
Expired: February 4, 202410% off at Accent
Expired: February 11, 202420% off at Farfetch
Expired: June 14, 2024About DL1961
In September 2008, DL1961 launched in New York City with a mission to create "the perfect fitting jean", using the revolutionary technology XFIT LYCRA®. The collection is designed for those who simply demand more from their denim. Our jeans are crafted from technologically advanced fibers that move 360 degrees. These fabrics make DL jeans the perfect garment to wear 24/7 all while looking effortless, chic and stylish.
We believe that denim is universal and no one should be deprived of a perfect pair of jeans they can wear 24/7. So, no matter what your body type is, we have something amazing for you.
Similar Brands to DL1961
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