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Where to buy Duskin

Below you will find a curated list of official Duskin retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.

Duskin Menswear

There are currently menswear stockists of Duskin listed.

Duskin Womenswear

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Active Duskin Discount Codes

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About Duskin

With stints in retail, editorial and design prior to starting her own collection, Stephanie Tran has a comprehensive approach to building her company’s brand identity and aesthetic that sets her apart from the pack. Her innate style of offhand chic was honed in the halls of Vogue Magazine, American Eagle Outfitters and Forever 21, and it’s that unique blend of high and low, fantasy and practicality, flash and function that gives shape to the beauty of Duskin.

Stephanie Tran and Duskin are based in New York.

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