Where to buy Earnest Sewn
Below you will find a curated list of official Earnest Sewn retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Earnest Sewn Menswear
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About Earnest Sewn
Earnest Sewn is a denim brand that sets itself apart not only by demonstrating consistency in its compelling concept and lifestyle identity, but also by being actively committed to its product quality and brand. The ES concept resides in the integration of the Japanese beauty aesthetic, Wabi-Sabi (which is interpreted as the beauty of things imperfect, modest, and unconventional), with denim's Americana past. Launched in 2004, the Earnest Sewn design principle is literally translated as ‘product sewn in earnest’. In staying true to this standard, a dedicated and unmistakable pride is emphasized in its workmanship and commitment to authenticity. The production and progress of each garment, which is overseen by three people, is monitored from start to finish, at every stage: design, sewing, and wash.
The standard ‘assembly line’ manufacturing process is avoided considerably, therefore reserving a number of operations to specialists and allowing one sewer to complete the majority of the garment. Additionally, the wash process incorporates hand-drawn techniques ensuring that each pair is uniquely individual. By signing our names our commitment is displayed to the ES reputation to the product and validate its authenticity and quality. Every pair is ‘sewn in earnest.’