Where to buy Illesteva
Below you will find a curated list of official Illesteva retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Illesteva Menswear
Illesteva Womenswear
Active Illesteva Discount Codes
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Recently Ended Illesteva Offers
25% off at Shopbop
Expired: December 8, 202325% off at Shopbop
Expired: October 20, 2023Up to 40% off at Shopbop
Expired: November 4, 202325% off at Shopbop
Expired: November 28, 2023About Illesteva
Illesteva was founded by Daniel Silberman and Jus Ske in 2009. Illesteva is a lifestyle project that is influenced by our daily life. Being bored with the current state of eyewear we decided to launch our first eyewear collection for Spring 2010. Illesteva is hand made in Italy. We are working with the world leading manufactures of luxury eyewear and are able to push the boundaries of hardware innovation. Each pair of eyewear is hand made using only the highest quality materials ranging from acetate to titanium.
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