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Estelle Dévé
Brand Website

Where to buy Estelle Dévé

Below you will find a curated list of official Estelle Dévé retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.

Estelle Dévé Menswear

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Estelle Dévé Womenswear

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Active Estelle Dévé Discount Codes

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About Estelle Dévé

Estelle Dévé jewellery was established in December 2008.

Since its debut collection, Estelle has garnered the support of Australia's most progressive fashion magazines. The brand has built an impressive editorial profile and a growing list of national and international stockists. Estelle holds a double degree in Business and Marketing, with experience in a multitude of fashion-related roles she has in-depth knowledge of the industry. The designer now finds herself one of its fastest-rising stars.

The designer's French roots inform her artisanal approach resulting in personal and highly conceived collections.

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