Where to buy Gram
Below you will find a curated list of official Gram retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
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Recently Ended Gram Offers
15% off at Zalando
Expired: January 9, 202415% off at Zalando
Expired: March 11, 202415% off at Zalando
Expired: December 17, 202320% off at Zalando
Expired: November 28, 2023About Gram
Founded in Stockholm, april 2005 by Alexis Holm and Anna Stenvi. The companys primary goal is to design and produce a range of unique shoes, that reflect the present, yet rely on the past.
Materials are always at the core of every collection together with a strong Scandinavian design aesthetic, creating a uniquely wearable product. All items are created with minute attention to details and hands-on presence in all stages of development.