Where to buy Kuro
Below you will find a curated list of official Kuro retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Kuro Menswear
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Recently Ended Kuro Offers
25% off at SSENSE
Expired: October 18, 202315% off at SSENSE
Expired: April 4, 2022Up to to 50% off at SSENSE
Expired: May 25, 2021Up to 50% off at SSENSE
Expired: November 26, 2021About Kuro
KURO is a denim brand launched in Spring and Summer season 2010. The name of the brand KURO means black in Japanese. The word black represents darkness and loneliness with an image of mystery and great strength. For Japanese people, black also reminds them of beautiful hair. KURO Denim Wear draws inspirations from all the connotations of black. The Japanese have achieved a widespread reputation for the finest craftsmanship in the industry of denim wear. Fully integrated with textile, spinning, weaving, and dyeing in the process of denim manufacturing. This “Made in Japan” brand expresses the essence in refined craftsmanship and remains synony-mous with quality and creative designs.