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Maison Takuya
Brand Website

Where to buy Maison Takuya

Below you will find a curated list of official Maison Takuya retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.

Maison Takuya Menswear

There are currently menswear stockists of Maison Takuya listed.

Maison Takuya Womenswear

There are currently womenswear stockists of Maison Takuya listed.

Active Maison Takuya Discount Codes

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About Maison Takuya

Maison Takuya was born from the idea of combining influences and skills from all over the world to assemble all the techniques leading to the best leather items and reunite them, applying the watch-making traditions, into a single brand. While every item is computer designed, all the steps required to remain hand-made in the production process are kept 100% hand-made. As machine sewing can in no way compete with hand-sewing, most of the Maison Takuya items are totally handstitched. The machine is used exclusively in the seldom cases when it is better than the hand, for example for zip stitching. This philosophy is applied at every manufacturing step of these highly precious leather items.

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