Where to buy Melody Ehsani
Below you will find a curated list of official Melody Ehsani retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Melody Ehsani Menswear
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Recently Ended Melody Ehsani Offers
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Expired: January 31, 2024Up to 50% off at END
Expired: July 30, 202420% off at END
Expired: July 19, 202420% off at END
Expired: August 25, 2024About Melody Ehsani
Born and raised in Los Angeles in a traditional Persian family, like many of my cousins and friends I applied to go off to Law School after college, but I couldn't stay there. I decided to break with my culture and follow my heart into a field I was internally drawn to…. design. The more I designed shoes and products, the more it felt like the right thing for me to be doing. So now I believe that design is part of what I was designed to do. I guess you could say that design is part of my divine blueprint. I believe that honoring my blueprint helps me bring to the world new patterns of behavior and equality for myself and for all women in the future. In my culture, a woman's value and status are determined by her marriage. This is a difficult and challenging concept for many women in today's world. By following my calling and making shoes and products, I am helping women resolve these kinds of paradoxes. I want to become my true self and be a vibrant member of a family and a community. I want the women who wear my shoes to have the same opportunity for equality, wholeness, and self expression. My style is inspired by paradox, controversy, justice and pushing the envelope in showing that you truly cant judge a book by its cover. I design to upset the equilibrium. I design to inspire. I design to serve. I design because I was created to do so. A portion from each pair of Ehsani shoes purchased will go towards the advancement and education of women in our society.